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SaaStrophe Series: The Process Nightmare by Laura Erdem @ Dreamdata

• Mouseflow

🚀 Key Takeaways:

  • The hidden challenges of procurement and why "yes" doesn't mean done
  • How to navigate privacy, legal, and finance hurdles without losing your mind
  • Strategies for reducing friction in the procurement process to speed things up

Tune in for a candid look at the frustration behind corporate bureaucracy and how to stay sane when your deal is stuck in procurement purgatory. Because sometimes the toughest part of closing a deal isn’t selling—it’s getting through the paperwork.

In this episode, I share the ongoing nightmare that every SaaS marketer and sales professional dreads: the procurement process. After 3 months of selling, securing buy-in from champions, and jumping through countless hoops, we finally got the green light—or so we thought.

Just as we were gearing up to launch, the real challenge began: privacy reviews, procurement red tape, and finance approvals. Even with all the right certifications—SOC2, GDPR, Security portals—you’d think it would be smooth sailing. But 2 months later, we’re still stuck in a loop of explaining, re-explaining, and waiting for the final nod.

The Process Nightmare,  a story by Laura Erdem

Well, everybody’s sharing their nightmares from the past, but I want to open up about my current nightmare. It’s the procurement process.

The deal is sealed with the champion and the leadership. It was a long process (took 3 months), a lot of loops to jump through, including testing some pieces of data in the platform.

We’re good to go 🚀 Yay!

But wait: you’ll have to meet our privacy team, then the procurement team, and then finance.

OK, it’s a significant deal, should not be that bad: we’re SOC2 compliant, GDPR compliant, have a Security portal, and whatnot. This should take 2-3 weeks—and we’re good.

Well, 2 months in—we’re still jumping privacy loops, including having to re-explain the solution and what was sold to the legal team.

Somebody, wake me up, please!